

It is the removal of subcutaneous fat tissue that causes disfigurement in the body with the help of a vacuum. Men usually have lubrication on the abdomen and sides of the torso, while women have lubrication on the buttocks, intra-thigh, belly, sides of the torso, arms and back areas. It can be applied to areas with melting problems despite diet and sports.

During liposuction operations, a serum containing painkillers and medications that tighten the vessels is given and inflated through a 5 mm incision from the area where the fat will be removed. The technical differences begin after this point.

In classical liposuction, the surgeon moves forward with arm force and removes fat from the body with the help of a vacuum. Early bruising may be a little more.

In Vaser Liposuction, the fats are broken with a special machine probe through the incision where painkillers and medications that tighten the veins are given. The separated fats are removed from the body under the effect of vacuum using cannulas. The probe tip of the machine vibrates thousands of times per second and breaks down the fat inside, while not damaging the muscle and nerve. Bruises are less common than classic liposuction

 In Laser Liposuction, the high heat generating point at the tip of the probe dissolves the fat under the skin. The melted fats are again drawn out under the vacuum effect using cannulas.

Infrasonic Liposuction probe breaks down adipose tissue with circular mechanical vibrations in the tissue and also allows fat removal with vacuum effect. It is a practical and useful method that shortens the time.

Plasma Liposuction is the conversion of helium gas into plasma energy as a result of combining it with radiofrequency energy. Plasma energy also provides tightening in the connective tissues located under the skin. The best feature is that it does not produce enough heat to harm the body. However, the cost is currently higher than other methods.

Preoperative evaluation
Liposuction is not a method of weight loss. Thinning is achieved by removing the fat in the area of complaint, but the purpose here is to correct the body shape. First of all, the regions that you are not satisfied with are evaluated. Then the technique to be applied is determined

Surgery and hospital process
You should not eat or drink anything for 8 hours before the operation. Your results are evaluated by an anesthesiologist, and if there are no obstacles, your surgery can be performed. The duration of the operation varies depending on the number of areas to be liposucted and the amount of fat, appropriate antibiotic and painkiller treatment is planned for you in the postoperative service. A drain can be inserted into the abdominal and back areas where Vaser or Laser liposuction is performed to expel the fluid accumulated in the body and the remaining melted fat. The drain is removed after an average of 3 days.

The postoperative process
After the procedure, you will see a certain thinning in those areas, but it may take 4-5 weeks for your edema under the skin to be removed and your tissues to tighten. During this period, it is recommended to perform daily massage with a moisturizing cream on the areas where oil is removed.
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